
The name noemi has a symbolic character and expresses our desire to contribute to the goal of no emissions. Our software solution connects the built world with the digital environment. noemi processes, stores and uses the data of the buildings and enables a direct interaction with technical systems. Thus, the technical area can control requirements such as indoor temperature and humidity, but also regulate them directly.


Our Approach


Our software solution connects the on-site built world with the IoT world. Noemi is a part of your building and can also directly intervene on the technical systems on site beyond the usual monitoring and analysis. These interventions are transparently and constantly documented and evaluated as needed. The collected data is stored in a mass memory and made available as a database for applications via defined interfaces. Noemi has a modular design, which allows many options for further development and connection to proprietary systems.

Already Connected Modules



Gear Icon

Energy Management

Comissioning & Adjustment

Data Icon

Data Analysis & Optimization

Room Automation

Real Estate Due Diligence

Daten // OLD

An ever-increasing amount of data from technical systems is available in real estate. However, these are often in silos, unstructured and discontinuous. Our solution helps you to save all data continuously and in a standardized way, so that the full potential of the data can be used. In our software solution, a unique, machine-optimized key is assigned to all data points. Among other things, this allows for automated evaluations to be created. In addition to the standardization of the data point designation, security standards are implemented in the data backup process to prevent data loss. This means that your data is available to you at all times.


An ever-increasing amount of data from technical systems is available in real estate. However, these are often in silos, unstructured and discontinuous. Our solution helps you to save all data continuously and in a standardized way, so that the full potential of the data can be used. In our software solution, a unique, machine-optimized key is assigned to all data points. Among other things, this allows for automated evaluations to be created. In addition to the standardization of the data point designation, security standards are implemented in the data backup process to prevent data loss. This means that your data is available to you at all times.


Every property is unique. Especially the technical equipment, which are not immediately noticeable, are different. During an initial assessment, we document all technical systems and take these into account when drawing up our retrofit concept. During the process, very specifically and in close consultation with the operating companies, performance indicators - so-called EnPI's - are determined. These performance indicators determine the requirements and thus the usability of the existing technical infrastructure. Our goal is to generate an open world that unites all technical disciplines. This gives you the opportunity to have an overview of everything via one software.

Your Benefits

+ 130%

Market volume for energy-efficient buildings in 9 years.


of the industry prioritize the topic of reducing energy consumption.

+ 54%

Sales growth in Facility Services in 10 years.

+ 154%

Sales development in the field of building efficiency in 7 years.

+ 89%

of real estate investors believe in high impact through digitization.

+ 91%

of real estate investors believe in high impact through digitization.

Contact us

Herrenstraße 26-28
76133 Karlsruhe

©LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, Stuttgart

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